Join us on this month’s webinar as we unpack How to Win with PPC in your Hearing Practice!
• Discover how the Google Ads engine works – You have to understand how the AdWords auction process works if you intend to succeed with paid search – quality & relevance is the answer.
• The secrets to maximizing quality score – In order to drive lower cost per click & ultimately, lower cost per lead – ad groups, the right keywords, compelling text ads, site links & strategic landing pages are critical.
• Proven examples that you can swipe & deploy – We will share our proven winners as it relates to keywords, ad groups, text ads & landing pages.
• KPIs & how to track them – You should not invest a penny into AdWords or any other form of paid search without the proper tracking in place to gauge your cost per lead.
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welcome everyone to this month’s webinar, how to win with pay per click in your hearing practice. Glad you could join us. We’re gonna unpack a lot of great stuff today, I’m excited to share this with you. This is a common question we get quite a bit when it comes to pay per click as a whole for hiring practices and audiologists. So it’s definitely a topic, we wanted to make sure we got to sooner rather than later because it is an ever changing topic. When it comes to pay per click, there’s always a lot of factors, a lot of different stuff. You know, that really weighs into having success when it comes to this. So I’m so really excited to share this with you. And I’m gonna dive in here. So if you have questions throughout, feel free to pop them in the chat. And, oops, I’m jumping ahead here, um, feel free to pop them in the chat. And I’ll address them as we go. And then obviously, if you have questions at the end, we’ll have time for that as well, too. So we are recording this. So there will be a replay in case I go over some information that you know, basically added a couple more questions on or wanted to circle back and revisit. So we’ll we’ll have a recording that we send out as well and a replay. Um, so this slide you see here, basically, this is this is a part of the bigger picture with what we call the digital dominance method. So online, there’s a lot of stuff that you need to be you know, in this day and age, there’s so much that you need to be aware of as as a business owner, just in general, not just in the hearing industry, but all business owners need to be aware of so you know, you have everything from your website to SEO, reputation, social media, email marketing, pay per click, I’m just kind of work working my way around the around the circle here repeat and referral retargeting, I mean just a whole gamut of stuff. So what we’ve done is with these webinars, we kind of pull out one thing at a time, and we unpack it each month. So we’ve done the website, one, we’ve done the SEO, one reputation. We’ve done website conversion, stuff like that, I actually got a few slides here. So at the beginning of the year, so every December in January, we always run the whatever year it’s going to be. So obviously it was 2021 internet marketing plan. But we like to run that webinar first, just to give a baseline of how to think about your marketing as a whole, not just digital, but the actual marketing strategy and what goes into it. And again, we record all these webinars, we do one a month, so they’re available on our website, you can go to the trainings tab and check those out. So we’ve done the 2021 internet marketing plan, we’ve done like I mentioned, the 2021 SEO formula, we’ve done, let’s see what the next one is how to optimize your website for maximum conversion and sales. So that was a really good one. So a lot of people overlook that one. So I was like to kind of circle back and touch on that one. even pay per click what we’re gonna talk about today, it’s, it’s important to drive leads, and we’ll we’ll unpack this more as we get into it. But your website, your landing pages, you know, half the battle is getting someone to click on it, once they get to the landing page of the website, the other half is getting them to convert, you know, and take the action we want them to take. So optimizing, optimizing the website or your landing pages is just as important, if not probably more important than some of the front end stuff with the ads and the way you set up ads and your targeting and your your copy on the ads and everything like that. So a lot of people think you know, I’ve got a campaign going, you know, it’s a winning campaign in my mind, it’ll it’ll pull a lot of traffic in, and it probably does, it gets a lot of clicks. If you have a healthy budget, a lot of people going to the landing page, but maybe the conversions aren’t there. So now it’s time to look at the landing page and why it’s not converting. So that’s some stuff we’ll dive into today. So and then we’ve done the 2021 Guide to Google Maps. So a little bit of context on that. Obviously, Google Maps is a part of SEO, we did talk about that inside the SEO one. But Google Maps has its own world as well. So we wanted to do a webinar where we unpacked you know how to get ranked in the maps, what to do best practices and really dive into that just the maps part because you have the maps and then you have the organic rankings as well. So just another one that we have in the repertoire of our training set section on our website, as well. So circle back, check those out. I think oh, and how to take control of your online reputation and drive more sales. So again, factors into the big picture of you know, just because someone’s aware of you, you know, doesn’t mean that they’re instantly going to think okay, these are the people I need to call to help me with with my hearing, you know, your reputation, your online reputation, your website, conversion, all that factors into it. So we want you to circle back and check those out. So if you’re here, you know, turn off cell phones, unless you’re watching on your cell phone, then don’t turn it off. But you know, if you’re watching on a computer, turn off cell phones turn off, you know, close the Facebook tab. I’m notorious for this myself, I have a million tabs open on multiple different browsers. So every now and then like to shut everything down and really just focus. So if you’re here and you set aside the time you know, and you’re serious about doubling tripling the leads from your pay per click, you know that you pull into your hearing practice, you know, then the next 60 minutes are definitely going to be of great benefit to you. So, so be here be attentive and and definitely take notes and ask questions. Because that’s what these are for, we want you to walk away from these with action items, not just me standing here, you know, for 60 minutes, you know, throwing a bunch of knowledge at you and, and all that we want to, we want it to be a little bit more interactive, if you have questions, you know, and some people actually have told me that they work through stuff while we’re doing this kind of like a workshop as well. So definitely, definitely consider that. So what we’re going to cover today, so let me go ahead and hit all the all the buttons jumped ahead. So why pay per click is key to unlimited scalability in terms of lead flow in your hearing practice, right? So we’re gonna unpack the concept of pay per click answering the questions in that regard. But really, it’s if you really think about it, if you dial it in, you can put $1 in and you can get multiple, you know, three 510, sometimes $15 back out when you do it correctly. So we’re gonna look at some examples of pay per click campaigns and best practices, then we’re going to talk about how to set up and structure your marketing campaigns for minimum cost per lead and maximum ROI. Because at the end of the day, that’s what we’re all about. And then we’re going to take a look at key KPIs tracking, the landing pages and campaign structure. So I’m kind of sounds, you know, technical, in a sense. So we will look at a little bit of the technical stuff, but it’s still also general overview type approach as well, because we want to think about, you know, the philosophy of you know, why we’re doing things a certain way and what the point is of doing it that way, so, so lots to unpack. So we’re gonna dive right in. So who am I? Why should you listen to me, my name is Shane Gebhards. I’m the founder of Audiology Ignite. So I currently run our marketing agency, we are an internet marketing agency for audiologists and hearing practices, I am the author of The Complete Guide to internet marketing for audiologists, and hearing practices, how to ignite your practice growth online. So that’s actually a physical book. So I actually have a copy sitting right here in front of me that I keep on the desk, but you can actually grab a free version of that off the website, it’s a digital version, or you can head over to Amazon, if you if you’re, if you’re kind of like me, I like have an actual, you know, book to read like the physical heart paperback copy, as opposed to digital audible type stuff. But we do have the digital version available member of the IHS and Ada smoking at Mark marketing events across the US. We’re a Google certified partner. And we’re managing Google Ads all across the US as we speak for different clients. And we’ve we work with hiring practices across the United States. And bout to be able to say probably here in an internationally soon as we’re, we’re talking to some some clients up in Canada, so that could be changing here very soon. So yeah, this is what we do. So, you know, we like to share the knowledge, because it is, like I was saying at the beginning and ever changing world, things are changing fast. So you know, monthly webinars are designed to share the knowledge help hearing practice owners and audiologist understand this and implement it in the best way possible. Because it is such a vast world, and there’s so much going on. It is our job we feel to bring you the most up to date, knowledge, tactics, techniques, you know, whatever you want to label it as far as getting results online. And so that’s what we’re here to do. So a common question as we dive in, is should pay per click be part of my overall internet marketing strategy? We get this question, I get this question a lot. And I know my team does, too. So the answer is yes. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be doing this webinar. But I want to give it some context in regard to where it comes in. So there’s certain stages of your marketing that you need to be conscious of and pay attention to. There’s things that we consider the foundations of your online marketing, and in that side of things, you know, what we consider the foundations are your website? Are you showing up on Google if someone does a search for your brand name? You know, that’s basic SEO one on one, do you have your Google My Business setup optimized properly? You know, are we showing up for at least the brand searches before we even think about, you know, showing up for hearing aids in this, you know, in my city, or audiologists in my city, you know, those types of searches. You know, you want to have reviews, we want to make sure you know that we’ve got at least I always tell people shoot for as fast as you can get at least double digit reviews, Google reviews, so that you’re at least you have a little bit of a buffer in case someone is unsatisfied and does come along and leave a one star review. But at the same time, you know, that just provides people who are looking online and come across you with some context to learn more about you and how you know people perceive your business is in terms of the ratings and reviews, have a basic social media presence, have your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and all that set up because the person that the online user these days, you know, they might find you any number of ways. It might not even be online that they find you, maybe you’re doing direct mail, you know, traditional marketing, TV, radio, billboards, print, whatever it may be, and then they turn to the web search for you, we want to make sure that we have those foundational things in place, you know, and social media is a part of that. So really, that’s what we consider our core foundation. So I usually tell people, let’s not even think about Pay Per Click until we have some of that stuff, you know, fleshed out created, and working well. So that needs to be our main focus. That’s why we consider that part of the foundation, an email, we lump email in there as well, just because email. And many of you who have been on this on these webinars or, or spoken with me, at any point, have heard me say, your website, in your email or to your most most important assets, because there are two assets that you can control. So what we’re talking about today, with pay per click social media, you know, any of these other platforms that are controlled by bigger companies, we’re at the mercy of, you know, Google, we’re at the mercy of what they they see fit. So if they change the platform, we just have to roll with it. But your website, and your email list or your SMS list, if you’re building one of those, those are assets that you can control. So again, that ties back into the foundations of where we start with people we work with. And anyone that we talked to I tell I tell them focus on the foundations. And then let’s look at Pay Per Click after that. And once those are dialed in, absolutely 100% Pay Per Click needs to be a part of your strategy. So again, I know that was a long winded answer, but I wanted to give it some context as to why and how you need to be thinking about Pay Per Click so and when it’s time to look at it. So again, there’s a slide I just threw it back in here. But you can see, you know, I just mentioned website, SEO reputation, social media email. So all these five things are all over here in order, and then we get to pay per click right, then we’re getting into some of this other stuff, you know, that comes around after the foundations are in place. So I just like to give that a little bit of a visual breakdown. Alright, so why pay per click should be a part of your internet marketing strategy. So number one, you start showing up quickly. So even if you have, you know, step one of SEO is set up your Google My Business, right? So you’ve got that in place, it’s optimized to the best of your ability. And you’ve got that so that if someone searches your brand name, you’re showing up, where Pay Per Click fills the gaps is for those keywords that you’re not quite ranking for yet. So for instance, let’s just use the general most general one of hearing aids in whatever your city is, right. So if you’re not ranking for that, if you’re not currently showing up the map, pack, the three pack are on the first page of the organic, local results. Pay Per Click is a good way for you to start showing up quickly. Because you can literally go into Google AdWords, pick your keywords. So make, you know, hearing aids in whatever your city is one of your keywords that you want to go after, and you’re going to end up paying per click, hence the name, but you’re going to show up, you’re going to start to get visibility, because you are using pay per click. So you can actually position yourself right at the top of the search as an ad, above all the organic rankings. So that’s, that’s why you know, kind of Reason number one, that it should definitely be part of your strategy. So you can show up as often as possible where your customers are looking. So SEO, you know, the the strategy of search engine optimization is to naturally rank, you know, organically ranked for keywords that your target audience is using. But with pay per click, you know, it’s the same concept. And you can do it much quicker. And you can show up as often as you want, depending on your budget. So you could put all of your budget into one keyword, which I wouldn’t recommend. But I’ve seen some people do that. Just because they know this is like the keyword that I really want to focus on. This is where my audience really, really sits majority of the audience really sits and uses. So we’re just going to focus on that I, we personally believe in a much more broad approach to pay per click, but we have seen that happen before. Um, so you can show off for the non geo modified terms. So I i’ve been using hearing aids in your city. So that’s called a geo modified term. So what that means is you’re you’re modifying the term with a location, hence geo. And so you’re basically saying Google show me the results for hearing aids in Dallas audiologist in Dallas. And that’s what Google is going to return. But Google has evolved so much now that people will also search without using geo modified terms, and they’ll just type in hearing aids. And so what Google is then going to use is their location, so their IP, you know, address and different factors to kind of determine where they’re searching from. And so, we want to show up for those non geo modified terms and pay per click is a fantastic way to do that. And, as I mentioned before, there’s unlimited scalability. So again, if you figure out, if you’re able to identify the proper keywords, you put together some winning campaigns, your, let’s just say, you know, let’s just use a round number, let’s say you’re putting in $2,000 for your your pay per click budget, and you’ve got all your tracking in place, and you’re getting results you’re getting, you know, new new patients coming through, and you can attribute that to your pay per click. And let’s say, again, let’s just use round numbers, let’s say you get a 5x return. So you put in 2000, you got 10,000 out, now, we know we have the the the combination, if you will, now it’s just a matter of the more budget we put in, the more we’re going to get back out. So it’s just it’s can be technically, in some cases, unlimited scalability. If, if you look at it that way. Alright, so now we’re going to talk about why most Pay Per Click campaigns fail. Alright, so I’ve heard countless times I, you know, talking with people, we don’t do pay per click because we got burned, or Oh, we don’t do pay per click because of XYZ, whatever the reason may be, and we’re going to talk about some of those now. So as I click nothing to happen, there we go. So, bullet point number one, the fail to understand the Google Ads auction process and the complexity of the hearing industry. So for instance, maybe the person or whoever was doing the campaigns, you know, you can kind of imagine a scenario here, but I’ll kind of go with one that I hear pretty often is, I had my nephew, try it, or, you know, someone related to the business owner who wanted to take a crack at it. Maybe they didn’t understand the auction process, and maybe, you know, the hearing practice, you know, gave them 1000 bucks to work with, and they just burned through it, and didn’t really have anything to show for it. So yeah, that’ll leave a sour taste in people’s mouths, you know, when it comes to Google, Google ads and the auction process, and then also just not really understanding, you know, the hearing industry itself as well, and what constitutes winning campaigns and what people respond to and how that whole side of the coin works to. So that that could be one of the major factors is why campaigns fail. bullet point number two, set up only one ad group for all services, hearing aids repair, cochlear implants, you know, tinnitus, all of it, you know, it’s just not the optimal way to do it, it just makes no sense. And we’ll, we’ll unpack why, you know, in the later slides, but just setting up only one ad group for all services, it just doesn’t make sense. It’s, it’s not logical, because you’re not going to be able to use Google ads to add words to your to your advantage of and kind of the whole point of it, is to be able to split things up into different segments, and really take advantage of it that way. So we’ll dive into that as well. I don’t know why. Anytime I click, it’s lagging. There goes. So I apologize. Um, so you don’t use specific text ads and landing pages for groups of keywords. So again, this goes back into the structure of the campaigns and the keywords itself and setting everything up. And then there’s no strong call to action or offer on the landing page. So maybe, maybe you found some winning, you know, combinations of keywords, and it’s actually showing up and people are clicking it, but then when they get to the landing page, like we were talking about earlier, you know, maybe there’s there’s not enough strong call to action or not even any offer, really, and the person doesn’t know what to do. So, so the some of those are the most common reasons why we see Pay Per Click campaigns fail. Alright, and continuing down that. That line of thought, what I’ve put together here is basically a more of a visual, so you can kind of see what I’m talking about when I say you’re pointing everything at the same URL. So over here, we have your company comm so imagine your URL, your website right there, it makes no sense to run all of these different examples that I put on the bullet points here to this, this your company comm so whatever your URL is, and not create specific landing pages for each thing, or at least at the very least, at least send them to this specific landing page on your website. So you don’t have to ideal ideal situation. Best Practices created a fresh landing page designed to convert that is not the same as your website. That’s how we do it. That’s how you know a lot of people do it in the industry. But if you’re going to at least set them up, don’t just send them all to your homepage. That’s cardinal rule. Mistake number one is just putting in your your homepage and letting the person you know, figure out where they want to go. That’s the last thing you want to do. Because people online when they click on an ad number one, they want to see what they think they clicked on. So if they see an ad for hearing a repair, and they land on your homepage, people are impatient. They’re not going to want to You know, sit there and try to figure out, Okay, what am I supposed to do? How do I take action or go to the next step, or whatever it is, they don’t want to see that they want to be sent straight to a hearing aid repair page with very clear, specific instructions of, you know, Are you in need of hearing aid repair, do this, here’s the offer, or here’s the action you need to take. Because that’s why they clicked on the ad. Otherwise, you’re just gonna see, a lot of things go wrong, you’re gonna see a lot of people click on your ad number one, and not take action, which is the biggest, you know, thing that we don’t want. But then number two, you’re gonna see your quality score go down in terms of Google’s eyes, because they’re clicking on the ad, and then there’s no conversion. So we’re just creating a whole whole mess of problems here that we don’t need to just based on the way we set up the campaigns. So again, think about it backwards in terms of Okay, what do we want to do to run Pay Per Click for, let’s create a landing page, let’s make sure it has a good strong offer and a call to action on it. And let’s reverse engineer the process and work backwards into Okay, what are we going to put in the ad? What do we want them to do? And that in that kind of, you know, notion. Alright, so, takeaways, what you learn what you notice, what would you like to share? If you have any questions, like I said, pop them in the chat, I can address them as we go, or circle back at the end either way. But feel free to ask away if you have anything you want me to circle back on, as I grab a sip of coffee here. Okay. So we’re saving all the questions for the end. So, all right. Okay, now we’re gonna dive into how to set up and structure your pay per click marketing campaign for minimum cost per lead and maximum ROI, right, that’s, that’s the Holy Grail. That’s the name of the game, that’s what we’re after. Okay? Want to get the least amount of cost per lead, and the maximum return on investment, right, its goal of any business. So how to structure your campaign? conversion tracking is a must, right? If we’re not tracking, we don’t know what’s happening. And that’s, a lot of the times when I saw when I talked to someone, they would say, we got burned on pay per click, and I said, Okay, where did you have conversion tracking in place, and a lot of the times I either get a blank stare, or I get what’s conversion tracking, or No, we didn’t if they know what it is. So number one, conversion tracking is a must, to your campaign must be broken into smaller ad groups targeting the various services that you provide, so that your text ads match what the person typed, kind of just unpack that on that last slide. But again, we just want to make sure that we break it into smaller ad groups based on the different services. So hearing aids, and the technology, you know, could be one ad group repair, you know, tinnitus, cochlear implants, I mean, you get where I’m going with it, OSHA testing all that you know, it depending on what you do at your practice, you know, we want to break those into ad groups. And then that way, the text ads match what the person is searching for. Come on. Alright, I’m not sure why it’s lagging like that. So I apologize. But make sure you have strong understanding of the keyword match types. And don’t forget about the negative keywords. So if you’ve never heard of negative keywords, we’ll talk about those. But we want to make sure we have a strong understanding of keyword research, and the match types and all that you need to write compelling text ads that resonate with what the customer typed and entice them to click on you, versus the competition Pay Per Click can be in certain cities, very, very competitive, right, cost per clicks can get way up there real quick. So if we’re gonna pay, you know, if we have a budget, and we’re gonna pay, even if it’s 510, you know, 20, I mean, I’ve seen all the numbers, dollar, you know, per click, you know, we want to make sure that we’re presenting the best ad to that person to get them to click, because that’s extremely valuable, right. So we want to make sure that we’ve got compelling text ads that resonate, and get them to click on on yours versus a competition. We want to leverage ad extensions to make your ad stand out on the page. So we’ll look at that as well. There’s some very, very simple things that people overlook that will help your ad, you know, take up more of the page pop out, you know, pop off the page, and really, really stand out. Sorry about that. It’s for some reason, when it’s lagging, I keep clicking, and then we’re gonna do you’re gonna have to wear my second the last bullet point, you have to land visitors on the solid well thought out pages on your site that are built to convert and then we want to be doing ongoing split testing and tweaking and fine tuning right. We don’t want to just set it and forget it. You know, things change fast. You’ve heard me say that numerous times already on this webinar, but you know, we want to be want to be testing it and tweaking it fine tuning it at all times. So don’t even think about spending another Penny till you Have conversion tracking in place? Okay, that’s, that’s step number one. So conversion tracking essentials, let’s take a look at that dynamic number swapping with different phone number for PPC traffic versus organic or direct traffic. And you might be saying what in the world is that? So the possibility of Well, now, let me rephrase that, what the capabilities of what can be done now with dynamic number swapping, is pretty incredible. So we can have landing pages that automatically swap out different phone numbers based on where the traffic is coming from. So for instance, if it’s Pay Per Click traffic, it can show one phone number, if it’s organic traffic, meaning, you know, we’re using that landing page, and on some other stuff, you know, direct side of things, too, we can have different phone numbers, basically, for different highways of traffic or different roads leading there is the way I like to think about it. So that’s an essential these days, because really, that’s how we’re going to be able to reverse engineer and backtrack and look at Okay, how successful is our pay per click, you know, Cam how, how successful are the campaigns performing? You know, it’s basically showing us the exact thing that we’re looking for in terms of this is how many phone calls came through on the paper, pay per click number, organic number, direct number. All right, a keyword cool with dynamic number swapping, so that you can track phone calls back to the keyword and the campaign. Okay, so this is another thing that kind of gets forgotten about or people overlook is not only do we want to know what keyword performed, but we want to know what campaign performed as well. So it’s, it’s there’s multiple kind of layers to it, we want to make sure that we have that keyword pool, that dynamic number swapping is occurring. And we can track that back to keywords and campaigns. webform tracking, so we want to make sure we know. Okay, once I get to the landing page, and if they are calling, like we’ve been talking about with the dynamic number swap, or are they filling out the web forms, you know, we want to make sure we’re, we’re tracking all of it, not just one or the other, which we see quite a bit. It’s kind of interesting that, you know, the ones that I have seen, they don’t think about Okay, both of these are conversions, why not track the phone calls, and the webform fills, conversion tracking built into your AdWords campaign to determine which ad group generated lead. And then there was one more bullet point. But anyways, um, so most important KPIs total span, pretty obvious, average cost per click, average cost per lead, again, there it is calls and web forms. So want to make sure we’re tracking both because your calls and your web forms could be different cost per leads, right, it’s not going to be the exact same thing. It could be the same thing, but sometimes it’s not. So we want to make sure we’re tracking both. And these are just a couple examples of different, you know, campaigns that you could be running like we’ve been talking about that could produce different calls or different webform fills and have a different cost per lead. And we also want to know the return on investment, right? So these are the most important KPIs. Right? How much are we spending? How much is it per click for the keyword? What’s the cost per lead, because we don’t want to just assume this is another area that we see people make a mistake on, is, people will just assume, okay, whatever the cost per click is, that’s my cost per lead. That’s not, that’s not how it works. So if the cost per click is $20, you know, the cost per lead, can, will most likely be something different, just based on once all the numbers come together, right. So it also depends on if you’re maxing out your budget on the cost per click, usually, when you see a cost per click is let’s use the $20 example, since the round number that’s most likely for the top bid. So you could be you don’t have to be in that top spot to still get traffic you can be you know, in one of the lower spots and still get traffic. So now your cost per click is different, and your cost per lead is different. So here’s a quick example of you know, just a dashboard of you know, leads via pay per click, average cost per lead. So you see, we’ve got, you know, 3369 there for an average cost per lead that you know, that not every keyword that we’re going after, is gonna have a $33 cost per click. So that’s where I can kind of show you that’s the difference. So we want to make sure, you know, based on that, see, actually down here is cost per click 1344. So there you go, not even close in this example that I’m using. So just some great information on here, you know, 137 leads total investment. Some of this kind of gets a little bit more tactical, but you know, the the most top of the baseline top line stuff that we’re talking about is cost per lead, cost per click, total investment and then the ROI which we would be able to calculate based on how many leads converted, you know, we can all figure out how that works too and what you sell factors into that, so, but just an example of a dashboard. So this is why KPI tracking is so important because if you don’t know these numbers, you have no idea if your campaign is successful or not, you’re just hoping you’re just throwing money at it and hoping something sticks or lanes. Alright, so now we’re going to dive into how to structure your pay per click campaign with ad groups. Okay. So this is just some examples, obviously, you know, you can screenshot this, but, you know, you want to have a brand campaign, you can have a general campaign, you know, a hearing aids campaign, and you can break the hearing aids campaigns into all kinds of categories, you know, new products, if you carry different brands, you know, whatever it may be different, you know, types of hearing aids, the different, you know, fits and models and everything, like, you could really go a lot of different ways with this. You know, and you can kind of see where I’m going with this, you know, cochlear implants, hearing aid repair, and assessment, campaign auditory processing, if you have pediatric services. So basically, what I’m getting at here is, the campaign must be broken into smaller ad groups, like we talked about that target the various services that you provide, so that your text ads match with what the person typed, that’s really what we’re getting down to the nuts and bolts, people do not want to type in hearing aids and end up on, you know, I mean, you name it something, you know, a cochlear implant, cochlear implant one, if that’s not what they’re looking for, right, they want to, they want to look for the hearing aids, that’s what’s what we need to show them the text ads need to match. Alright, so keyword types matter. So this is what I’m gonna unpack here is basically kind of how to look at the keywords themselves in Google AdWords. So broad match modified broad match, phrase match and exact match and the stuff, you know, the plus sign that quotes the parentheses that all factors in. So when you’re using AdWords, the way they determine these different things are with these little symbols. And so if you’re only doing broad match, which we see a lot, we see a lot of people just think about, okay, if I type a keyword in, it’s going to cover everything that I needed to right. So with broad match, you know, audiologist hearing doctor hearing aids, Dallas, audiologist, audiologist, Dallas, you know, that’s a broad match way of typing it into Google AdWords. That’s pretty common, right? Everybody does that. That’s kind of where they start. And unfortunately, sometimes where they they finish to, they just do they just do broad match. And that’s it. Modified broad match takes it a little bit deeper, to where, basically, you’re selling Google AdWords that you’re okay, I’m seeing Yep. Okay with your ad showing on the keyword with something else. So it’s a modified broad match, phrase match, we’re trying to match that exact phrase, so audiologist near me in quotes as keyword we want to go after, same thing, audiologists in Dallas, Dallas audiologists, right, we want to add show up for those. And then exact match. You know, we’ll put the quotes around it, we’re just telling Google AdWords, I want an exact match on this keyword as well. So that’s the keyword types. That’s kind of just a 30,000 foot view, explanation overview that we want to be aware of when we’re using Google AdWords so that we’re not just typing in audiologist, hearing doctor hearing aids, calling it a day, and then wondering why our campaigns aren’t working. So I think down here at the bottom, I think, pay attention, this thing keeps jumping on me, like I said, I apologize, but pay attention to the negative keywords as well. So just unpack negative keywords for a second. A negative keyword is a keyword that you can tell AdWords that you don’t want to show up for. Basically, we want to make sure that we’re only focusing our dollars on because what what if you’ve ever seen an ad word that shows up like an ad when you do a search, and if you really look at it, and makes no sense as to why it’s showing up? It’s because whoever was doing the AdWords wasn’t paying attention. And they were just clicking yes to all the keywords that Google recommended. So we want to make sure that that’s not what we’re doing here. And we want to make sure we pay attention to the negative keywords. So that we’re really focused in and dialed in on the ad words that we want to go after the keywords that we want to go after, excuse me, so that AdWords knows not to not to be showing us all over you know, pingdom comm and blowing our budget up, so so that’s really what we want to pay attention to. Alright, so we talked about keywords. Now, we’re going to take a little bit farther, you need to write the compelling text ads that resonate with what the customer type and entice them to click on you versus the competition. So I had that earlier in the slides, again, jumping ahead on me. Um, so less is more. All right. Don’t overthink it. Um, basically, you know, The platform itself, you know, it limits you in all the different sections of text. So it’s going to tell you how many characters you can use, but less is more, we want to try to get our point across, straight to it, Don’t beat around the bush, you know, tell them exactly what you what you want them to do, if you have a special offer for the service that they searched, and we referenced it in the ad text, all the better. And we want to give them one decision, right? We don’t want to overwhelm them with all these different possibilities, hey, you can call us or you can fill out this webform. Or you can do this or come in to the, you know, to the practice and do this, you know, we don’t want to give all these call to actions and overwhelm them. We want to give them one decision, right? Well, we’ll put the blinders on them and, and say, Look, you clicked on the ad, the ad got your attention, whatever we wrote in the text was compelling. you clicked on it, you’re on the landing page. Here’s step number two, here’s what you need to do to get what you think you’re you know what you’re after. Right? Let’s, let’s keep it straight, let’s less is more, let’s keep it simple. Okay. So I just kind of pulled an example off there. Obviously, this is not one that is in the hearing industry. But this was a great graphic that I wanted to use. So to make your text ad jump off the page with ad extensions. Okay, so we get a lot of questions about what are all these extensions. So let’s unpack this for a little bit. All right. So this one is a call to call out extension, so call out extension, you can use so for instance, this is obviously one an example for booking. com, but they’re using stuff like low rates, greater availability, special offers No booking fees, so call out extensions fall under, under things that you’re just hitting them with, like, um, you know, basically, years of experience, you know, trying to think of all the examples up top my head, but here’s an experience. Talking about your reviews, you know, five star reviews, you know, special offers red carpet treatment, you know, stuff like that, like you have to brainstorm what works for you. Because every practice is a little bit differently, you kind of get what I’m going there. The next one underneath it is the review extension. So they have world’s leading online travel agency website, world travel awards. So there’s different ways you can actually incorporate your Google reviews into your AdWords, which is fantastic. That’s a fantastic way of doing things highly recommend it, they’re not actually doing that here, they look like they’re using a world travel award. But you could basically, site, you know, in your review extension, if if you haven’t won awards, or reviews from some other site, social extension. So this was obviously taken back on Google Plus was a big deal. But we can, we can kind of tie in social, social proof, as well as what we call it. And then we have sitelink extensions. So these are actual links down here. So none of these are actual links. But these are actual links right here. So that just, you know, kind of gives you some context on all the different extensions, and what to look for, and how to think about those. I think, yeah, so make your ads pop out with call out extensions. So again, free shipping, 24 seven, customer service, price matching, again, this is just an example, I found online, but you can, you can kind of put put some thought to this on what your call out extensions would be and go that route. So and again, you can see they’re referencing in electronics weekly, you know, article here, so if you had like a, you know, if you were featured in like a local magazine, or something or you won an award, like where I’m at, they have these things called Best of, you know, best of the PD area, which is where I’m at, in South Carolina. So you know, you can kind of put two and two together here and figure out what I’m going with this, but this next one, this is what I was trying to get to. So under your extensions, you’ll see you have all these different extensions, and all these are possible. So sitelink extensions, call out extensions, call extensions, message extensions, location extensions, I mean, just tons of extensions here, right review extensions. So you can really, what I’m getting at though is you can really make your ads pop, by utilizing these, like the these are there for you to take advantage of. So take advantage of them. We usually use we always use sitelink extensions, call out extensions, review extensions, and location extensions, if it’s a multilocation client, so definitely some some stuff to be aware of there. Alright, so you have to land visitors on a solid well thought out page that’s built to convert so landing pages. So here’s an example of one that we used in the past but, um, basically, you know, it’s very clear when they land on this page, what you know what they’re supposed to do, right? If they’re trying to get this limited time pricing, you know, boom, there it is, fill this information out. If they want to call they can but you know, it’s very straightforward. And this is just a screenshot the page goes on farther down, but I couldn’t fit it on screenshot but down below we have some what we call social proof where we’re featuring In reviews, and then, um, you know, it’s it’s the entire page is designed to let them to, you know, get them to convert, right we’re not, there’s no menu, you notice how there’s no menu, they can’t click around. That’s why you don’t want to send them to your website with like your actual everyday website, because there’s, there’s most likely tons of pages multiple ways they can go, we don’t want to pay for this lead, send them to a page and then let them go figure things out, right, we paid to this lead, we paid for the click, let’s get them to the landing page, let’s get them to convert on what you know, the offer was what the ad was for was about, you know, what the text and let’s get them to, to fill that in and get into the system, you know, for an appointment or whatever the goal is, right? So this one, you can clearly see, it’s limited time pricing, and we’re we’re trying to get them to take advantage of that. Okay. Like I have a second one. Yeah, so just a second one here. So this is, you know, kind of the same thing. But different offer, you know, getting a charger here limited time offer, they purchase the rechargeable hearing aids, they get the free charger, you know, $500 value and a free evaluation, right? We’ve all seen these. But just I want you to think about this from the standpoint of the end user. When they get there, what’s their choices, right? Are we again back to that saying, are we putting the blinders on and saying, this is how you claim your free charger that you want it. Or this is how you claim your special limited time pricing that you clicked on that you wanted to get? Right, don’t give them all these choices, all these options and take them all over the place.